Paul Herd | Protect Yourself With This 5 Insurance Policies
Paul Herd : Insurance is a necessity. Nowadays, most of our major financial decisions involve buying or getting insurance. Before you can drive, you need to avail car insurance. Before you can buy a new house, you need to avail a home insurance. Even when you buy your Apple gadget, you can opt for Apple Care insurance. We are at risk everyday. To manage or minimize those risks, we need insurance. It’s the only way to protect ourselves against unforeseen events in the future. For most of us, i n surance topic can be very technical. There are lots of things you need to know with regards to each insurance policies. There are hundreds of them and different types of insurance available in the market. Choosing the best one for our self can be really tough sometimes. To help you with your decision, here’s the 5 insurance policies you need to have. 1. MEDICAL INSURANCE This is the most important insurance policy we need to avail for ourselves and our family. It gives us protection agains...